Ever since I was little, I was fascinated with the stock market.  I heard these grand stories of how people became wealthy by buying shares of XYZ company.  Back then the XYZ companies were Ford, GM, Microsoft and tech companies like Yahoo and AOL before the Teslas, Googles and Facebooks of the world.

I didn’t know much about the stock market, but I knew I wanted in and I had to find a way to get into the game.  Here was the problem: no matter how much I heard about this money making machine and lusted over it, no one in my inner, or outer circle for that matter, knew anything about it.

The Stock Market is Like Heaven On Earth

Sadly, the stock market was almost like heaven on earth in a sense. Everyone talked about it, said how great of a place it was, and how awesome it would be to get there; but no one I knew had ever been there or had any real clear instructions on the road that led to it.  Also to my surprise, like discussions of heaven on earth, there were some atheists lol… some people who flat out didn’t believe in it, called it a scam, and advised me to go to school, get a good job, and everything would work out fine.

So to speed things up, I quickly realized after growing an account to six figures from the stock market at the age of 23, with no college degree, and more money than anyone I knew in my family had made at the time, that it was a secret society due to education and knowledge barriers.

This was not some exclusive club. It was clearly a case of those with the knowledge only sharing it with their circle of friends and family, and those of us without the knowledge being taught what we were surrounded by which was: “go to school, get a good job.” Basically, to say it another way, wealthy people were taught to have their money work for them, and the middle class was taught to work for their money, and the poor… well they were taught to do neither and ask for hand outs from the other two groups.

So Why I Teach About the Stock Market

Because just like you, I come from the poor and middle class.  Now I don’t reside in that category any more, so if you’re reading this and you consider yourself “upper class”, well so do I, except I’m reaching back to help the poor and middle class, as well as help the upper class discover how to stay there through the power of the stock market.  I want you to have the opportunity for your kids to go to the school you want them to go to, for you to drive the car and live in the house that you want to, without taking on two part time jobs in addition to your full time job.

I teach how the market works because I have seen too many times the people with the knowledge and education talk to those without the knowledge and education and use big confusing words and make the industry seem like it is only for smart people and that you have to go to school for it.  The reality is, everything I learned about the market I learned outside of school and it’s not as confusing as the fancy pants fast-talkers want you to think it is.  So I teach to reach those who have given up hope because society or some guy in a suit on TV told you you’re not smart enough, or don’t worry about it just give your money to a “professional.”

The Stock Market as a Business

I also teach the stock market because it serves as an additional stream of income.  What a great time we live in, where we can get paid for our knowledge and for sharing information with others.  Teaching about the stock market allows me to stay sharp on my skills and up to date with the latest tools out in the market place.  Building a business around sharing my knowledge in this industry allows me to help others realize a world they thought was impossible and for that, I get compensated.  

Bringing in revenue from teaching the stock market also allows me to invest more, but not just into stocks and options.  The revenue from the business side of teaching the stock market allows me to be a major contributor in my church (or shall I say church’s, because I donate money to two churches) and allows me to pour into my community, charity causes that are important to my family and I, and allows me to hire a team and provide income for them and their families.

Why You Must Learn About the Stock Market

Why I Teach and You Must Learn ChartSo now that you know why I teach, here is why you must learn all you can about the stock market: Chances are if you found this article, you are at a point in your life where you’re looking for more and if your friends had the answers then you would be talking to them, and not reading my blog. Many people pray to their God for an opportunity, or look for ways to not work so hard for money, ways to put their family in a better financial position, and you must learn about the stock market because it is one of your answers.  Notice I didn’t say the only answer but one of your answers.

Think about it.  Where else can you go and have money be your employee and have it work for you instead of you being it’s slave and it being your master?  Here’s something else to think about: in what other opportunity can you just go and give yourself a raise without worrying about being discriminated against for race, color, sex, sexual orientation, etc?  Where else can you earn money while being a stay at home mom or dad?  Where else can you earn money from a laptop while you sip margaritas on the beach (as long as there is an internet connection)? Lol.

If Not You, Then Who?

Here’s the reality and the question you should be asking yourself: “If not you, then who?” If you don’t learn how to have money work for you and how to break into this game of investing, then who will?  Who will break the chains of not just financial poverty, but break the chain of ignorance for your kids, grandkids and their kids to change their financial future?

In closing this article, I teach about the stock market because I asked myself, “If not me, then who?  Who is going to put this stuff in plain english for other people to learn?  Who is going to make this information ‘affordable’, because a lot of people teach it then stick a hefty price tag in front of it.  If not me, then who?”

I realized who better than me to teach this information, why not me, and that’s the challenge I pose to you today:  If not you, then who? In conclusion, I say: “Why not you?”

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