"Roaring Kitty" is back and so are the "meme" stocks like GameStop. Are they worth it?

Are the "TO THE MOON" stocks worth all the hype? Is this your chance to break into the industry and make a killing?

The simple answer? Probably not.

Here's why:

Only a select few have the skill (or chance) to enter and exit a trade moving at such a rapid pace to actually make money from a "Roaring Kitty" stock such as GME.

For example -
On Tuesday, May 14th, GameStop (GME) stock moved roughly $30 within the same day.

You would need to time the trade perfectly to have made that in profit.

What social media maybe isn't sharing with you is that A LOT of traders lost money.


Because by the time they heard about it, they may have entered near the top of the candlestick, near $65 area at the beginning of the day...

Unfortunately for them, the stock turned around and dropped roughly 20 points.

Those who stayed in and didn't cut their immediate loss saw GME open today at $40 and its just been falling since then (at least at the time I wrote this newsletter at 1:30pm EST on May 15th)

The point?

Those who made profit had to get in and out perfectly.

BUT some just like to gamble - and you can't win the lottery unless you buy a ticket.

So if that's you, no one is stopping you.

It's my personal experience that finding good companies backed by fundamental research leads to greater profit down the line.

And I have seen traders have greater probability of long-term success when they follow reading the chart and doing their research, rather following a money-grabber and account blower-upper...

What are your thoughts?

Comment below or send me an email hello@thebrownreport.com

meme stock roaring kitty gamestop to the moon gme