"I want to place my first trade, but I have fear of getting started"

Have you ever thought that before? Or heard someone else express that?

You are not alone...

In this industry, we hear that people are afraid to place their first trade all the time. 

If that resonates with you, then this episode is FOR YOU. 

The team and I share our first experience with placing our first trade. We share how we overcame fear and what we have noticed helped our members, too. 

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Which one are you?

We have seen both scenarios:

1. Some new traders come in with zero fear and they may not even know how to trade but they enter trades anyways

2. Other traders feel like they need to know everything before beginning and let fear hold them back from starting to trade

Which one do you resonate with?

For those who have zero fear..

You may be motivated by the fear of NOT trying. 

Perhaps you see how the 9-5 job works and you are spurred on by wanting a different future for your family. 

And that lack of fear will definitely help you get started. 

A word of caution though...

Even though you don't have fear, you still need to learn the right way to trade.

You need to learn how to read stock charts and how to identify the right entry and exit points of a trade. 

Then you can definitely go far.

If you have fear of beginning...

You can actually use that caution to your advantage. It may help you to be careful with your money. 


Don't let the fear paralyze you. 

If you have learned how to read stock charts and have invested in your education and have practice traded...

What's holding you back?

We have noticed a few factors may be holding some people back

1. Fear of failure

Many people equate losing money as a failure. 

But if you start trading with a small amount, an amount that won't impact your bills, and you know how to get out quickly so you LOSE SMALL - then actually your trade is a win.


it's a win when you start something new. 

It's a win when you have knowledge and have conquered your fear.

It's a win that you had enough knowledge to lose small and still have money to trade another day.

2. Fear of what their friends or family think

Maybe some people are negative about getting started in the stock market so when you start, you feel this pressure like you HAVE to have a profitable trade and that you can't lose. 

If that's true for you, then you have to put on your blinders and think about the success for you and you alone. 

If you fail a couple of times that doesn't mean you are a FAILURE.

What can help?

1. Get the right education

2. Start practice trading

3. Get a coach

4. Get a community of supporters

5. Know that if you lose a few times, that just means you are like every other successful trader out there

Having the right education and coach can give you the confidence you need to start trading.

If you are looking for that, consider joining us inside of Power Trades University

We believe in you!