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Lessons About the Stock Market From Real Life

I learned 6 lessons about the stock market, just from trimming my hedges. In this episode, I tie my experience trimming my hedges with the common reluctance to invest in financial education or mentorship. With the initial overwhelming nature of the stock market, I share my personal experience and the lessons I've learned: meeting unrealistic deadlines, avoiding the temptation to give up, and the crucial importance of taking action. I encourage listeners to seek help, join a community, and never hesitate to invest in themselves to achieve financial success. 

Lesson 1:
Unrealistic Time Frames and Deadlines

When I first set out to trim the hedges, I had an unrealistic timeframe in mind. I convinced myself that in only 2 days, I was going to get a years worth of house work done. This is quite similar to the stock market, where people often set unreasonably short deadlines for achieving massive financial success. Understanding that everything, whether it's completing a physical task or mastering trading, takes time is crucial.

Lesson 2:
Trying To Do It Alone

Not only is doing it alone difficult, but it is even more so when you are doing it for the first time in a long time. Most people have a tendency to give up when it gets hard. For me, I started to regret owning a home after having to do the simple task of up-keeping it and trimming the hedges. 

After seeing the kids who offered to trim my hedges at $200 doing the job at my neighbors, I was filled with a lot of regret. I wished that I would have just accepted the help, knowing that I don't have much experience, I didn't have a built-in process, and I was sacrificing my time. Having the help would have given me the time I needed to complete other tasks. 

Lesson 3:
Most People Say if They Can Get Mentored By a Millionaire, They Would

For most, they would jump at the opportunity to be mentored by a millionaire. If they could just learn what they did, they know that the investment would be worth it. 

I blindly turned down the kids who offered to trim my hedges for me. They had the experience, the right equipment, and the time, but just because it was $200, I passed on the offer. My attitude played a huge role in making my decision. If instead, I thought "I'm just glad to see someone successful share their system and secrets" I would have been able to save my efforts, energy, and time by not having to learn something alone.

Lesson 4:
You Are Paying for Their Time and Their System

After watching the kids work on my neighbor's hedges, I realized they had it down to a science. They had the tarps placed perfectly below each bush, backup batteries ready, and tools in case something broke. I really started to realize the value they had behind their price of $200, especially after spending 8 hours working on a 3 hour job. 

This ties back to the stock market, where investing in mentorship, joining learning platforms, or being part of a community can be a game-changer. By trying to save a small amount of money, you might end up losing more in the long run through wasted time and potential opportunities.

Lesson 5:
You're Either Going to Buy Someone's System or Develop Your Own

I got to the point where I wanted to quit. The task seemed endless, and I lost sight of the bigger picture. In trading, it’s easy to feel swamped by information and challenges. The desire to quit surfaces quickly unless you're reminded of your ultimate goals.

Just like learning any other skill, it is a lot hard to learn the stock market and develop your own system for learning it when you are doing it from scratch. There is power in seeking support. At Power Trades University, we encourage supportive learning and persistence. 

Lesson 6:
The Magic Happens Only By Doing the Work.

Despite feeling exhausted and wanting to quit, I pushed through the physical work. This experience mirrors the trading journey. You have to put in the work, take action, and persist, even when it feels tough.

Learn All 6 Lessons About The Stock Market

In the video below, I go in depth about the 6 lessons about the stock market that can help make you a better trader. Tune in, together we can achieve financial milestones faster and with fewer pitfalls. 

Time Stamps

[00:00:00] My experience preparing for the holiday festivities. 

[00:04:06] Unrealistic expectations and overwhelming responsibilities in life.

[00:08:48] Overwhelmed by stock market; forgetting initial goals.

[00:10:07] Feeling overwhelmed, kids offered help, not hired.

[00:15:58] "Join Power Trades University for mentorship."

[00:16:48] Learning from neighbors and sharing financial mindset.

[00:21:34] Discovered value in using battery-powered tools.

[00:24:01] Consider buying a system or face difficulties.

[00:28:52] Developing your own system takes perseverance.

$200 could have saved me time, stress, and
money in the long run.
Same with you, for just $199 you could join my Group Coaching program for the first month where
I find the trades for you.
You can learn all the while saving time, stress,
and likely way more money.