Time Stamps:

[00:01:36] The value of mentorship

[00:04:07] "Let me pick your brain"

[00:06:06] Questioning successful mentors

[00:07:45] The mindset of being broke and skeptical

Audio Version

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The Value of Mentorship: Why You Need to Invest in Your Success

As I drive down to the Detroit Athletic Club (DAC), I couldn't help but reflect on a lesson that almost cost me $1,000,000 in mentorship. Not in cash, but in value. I share with you my personal experience with my previous mentor, and why you can't afford to be broke and skeptical at the same time.

Early Lessons with My Mentor

Mentorship and proximity to successful people can be life-changing. I learned this back when I was in network marketing working with my mentor. He was at the point where he had so many leads, that he couldn't keep up with them, and gave me the offer to buy them off him. My first reaction was to question him...

There were times my mindset wasn’t ready for such mentorship. I often asked myself, "What would I pay to get mentored by a millionaire? By an Olympic champion? By a successful businessperson?" Most people say these experiences are priceless, yet turn around at the idea of paying for them.

The Cost of Picking Brains

Successful people value their time immensely. When you offer to buy them a meal or a coffee to "pick their brain," you're not offering much. They can buy their own steak dinner; what they can’t get back is their time. I learned this the hard way. My mentor in network marketing made millions and was selling leads that were helping him crush it in the business. Yet, when he offered to sell me some, I hesitated. "If they’re so good, why sell them?" I questioned.

The Shift in Mindset

"You can't be broke and skeptical at the same time." That's what my mentor told me when I questioned him. Think about it. You reach out to successful people because they are where you want to be. They have the experience, knowledge, and access that you lack. If you question why they would charge for their services, you’re still operating with a poor person’s mindset.

His advice was straightforward: Would I rather get mentored by someone unsuccessful? No, of course not. Successful individuals offer mentorship because they have more leads, more wisdom, more opportunities than they can handle. And they aren’t going to devalue their time by offering it for free.

The True Value of Investing in Mentorship

When you pay for mentorship, you’re not just buying information. You’re buying a shortcut to success. You’re fast-tracking your journey by leveraging someone else’s experience, sacrifices, and hard-earned wisdomThe biggest transformations happen when you go where they are, engage deeply, and commit to the process with the right mindset.

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