Time Stamps:

[00:00:00] Investment mindset: plant the seed today.

[00:04:21] Optimize every 24 hours for learning.

[00:09:37] Selecting a good, prepared financial advisor is crucial.

[00:13:58] Stop making excuses, start investing in yourself.

[00:16:30] Importance of education and experience in investing.

[00:19:32] Invest in yourself, show up.

Audio Version

You can also listen to "EP 173: The Three Secrets to Achieving Financial Success" on Spotify, ApplePodcasts, Iheartradio, and Stitcher.

The Three Pillars of Success

In this video, I break down the three critical actions that can truly transform your life and set you on the path to financial success. I emphasize the importance of starting today and investing in yourself, no matter where you currently stand financially. I also share my personal experiences and practical tips on how to take immediate and consistent action towards your financial goals.

Invest in Yourself

Investing in yourself could entail many different things. When we hear about investing, our minds often go to stocks, real estate, or startups. However, the most critical investment you can make is in yourself. Whether it's spending time learning new skills, acquiring knowledge, or looking after your physical health, this foundational step cannot be ignored.

Investing in yourself entails more than just financial literacy. It includes improving your physical well-being, buying books and courses, or even investing in a gym membership. These investments prepare you mentally and physically for future opportunities.

Break the Mold: Do What Most People Won’t

Most people procrastinate, avoid taking risks, and shy away from responsibilities. I challenge you to do the opposite. When it comes to investing in yourself, we often postpone the process.

This involves planting your "investment tree" today. The best time to start was 20 years ago; the next best time is now. Too many young professionals put off financial planning, thinking they have time. On the opposite end, those who are older often believe it's too late. Neither approach serves you well. Start small. Open that investment account, purchase educational materials, and adopt a long-term vision.

Show Up and Commit

All the good intentions in the world won't make a difference if you don't show up. Consistency is your best ally. If you’ve enrolled in a course, complete it. If you’ve committed to a workout regimen, follow through. The act of showing up, consistently and prepared, sets you leagues apart from those who start but never finish. You can't fully invest in yourself if you don't give yourself the needed consistency. 

Ready for the Next Level of Support?

Success isn’t a mystery; it’s a formula. By investing in yourself, doing what most people won’t, and consistently showing up, you build a foundation for long-lasting success. Break free from excuses, take conscious steps towards your goals, and watch how your efforts create a ripple effect in every aspect of your life. Join us inside Power Trades University where traders from around the world come together to support each other. 

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