to get you started


In this free download I break down:

How to supercharge your investments with options
How call options work
How put options work
The benefits of investing using options
How to make options work for you regardless of your account size
Realistic expectations with option trading
Your first steps to take as an option trader


It goes sideways, and yes - even down. If you only know how to buy stocks, you only know how to make money when the market goes up. That's only 1/3 chance or 33% probability that you will be profitable. To put it another way, there's a 63% chance you'll lose money without the option strategies.  

With option trading, you have strategies in your arsenal to supercharge your returns in the good markets and even have the potential to make profit in the down markets. 


I have been trading for over 15 years - and have had the most success with option trading. 

I am peeling back the curtain and showing you exactly what an option trade is, the two most common types of option trades, and the strategies you need to learn to make it work for you. 

Investing involves substantial risk. No guarantee or other promise of performance or as to any results may be obtained from use of this information. The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and are only the ideas of the author with no guarantee of the outcome of such ideas. While past performance and/or references to potential future performance may be referenced or analyzed, past performance should not be considered indicative of future performance and references to potential future performance are only the opinion of the author and should not be relied upon without first conducting your own research and due diligence. No subscriber should make any investment decision without first conducting his or her own research and due diligence, including carefully reviewing the charts related to such security as well as the prospectus and any and all other public filings of the issuer of any security. The information provided is based upon and obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, none of the information obtained or relied upon has been independently verified or otherwise investigated.

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