There's a lie out there that may be getting fed to you...

...and it's that everyone is a millionaire and it's easy to become one. 

Especially in the era of social media, everyone seems to have wealth and new toys to show off constantly.

What is the truth and how does this affect you?

Check it out in our latest podcast episode below.

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Anyone and everyone is a "stock market coach" now

Something that has been eating me up is I see so many new "stock market coaches" now. 

The stock market dropped at the beginning of the pandemic and turned around and went up to new record highs. 

Because the stock market moved up, everyone is an "expert" now. 

It's beyond the stock market though. 

The million dollar lie is happening all over social media...

Everyone is making money and it's so easy, and why aren't you already a millionaire? All you gotta do is make a TikTok video or buy that ONE stock - so easy, right??

Some of it is just fake. 

People aren't sharing the pre-work, or if they are keeping that money after they made it. 

There are a lot of things going on that may make you feel like there is something wrong with you. 

It takes real work.

Those who truly are millionaires have put time, energy, effort, and planning into becoming what they are today. 

But often that side is not seen. 

A lot of people are into Crypto or NFTs and they may actually be millionaires...

But they have tons of followers or have celebrity status or already have been investing for years and they market one trade and you may see it as:

"Oh this happened overnight. This is so easy"

The lie is that there was no work behind it. 

It's brewing in the market place. Social media makes it so easy to come on and say whatever you want, and just show you the reward, whether it is fake or real, and not the work behind it.

It's just one part of it. 

So you may start and think "Why can't I make money fast in Crypto, why is this working, it's so easy for everyone else"

The story is that this may lead you to believe you are not going to be successful. 

That's not true - you just need to have the right mindset. 

Knowledge is the answer

I want you to look at 3 different things to create something REAL and TANGIBLE for you, not apart of the lie.

1. Do I have a specific plan to get to my financial goal (whether be to be a millionaire, to get out of debt, etc)

You could get there a number of ways... earn $100k for 10 years, start an investment plan to get to $1 million dollars, etc. You may decide to trade options and make 10% consistent profits.

Now that you have your plan for your goal, ask yourself:

2. What specific knowledge must I obtain in order to accomplish my plan? (For example if it is trading options, how are you going to learn?) What information do you need?

3. What is the specific time frame I want to learn and accomplish this goal? 

Some of us spend years and years in school to degrees in hopes to get a higher paying job. 

But when it comes to accomplishing our financial goals... social media has us believe if we can get it done within 6 months - 1 year something is WRONG.

Um, NO. 

Be kind to yourself. 

If it takes 5-10 years to become a millionaire, become financially free, etc, is that not worth it?

And there is nothing wrong with that time frame. 

My Gift To You 

My hope is for you to understand that it takes time and education to get where you want to be. 

And there is nothing wrong with you if you aren't becoming rich as fast as those on social media. 

It just means you want to accomplish your goals the right way. 

So my gift to you is a free course inside of our custom Power Trades University platform. 

To get this course, click here and enter your information. 

And if you want deeper knowledge, come join us inside our live sessions in Power Trades University where we go over the mindset and skills you need every week to succeed.