I am a big believer in:
You NEVER stop learning. 

I just recently went on a Mastermind trip and I became so inspired...

One thing I am huge on is that you never stop learning and growing. 

I will never stop trying to learn new trading strategies, or new business strategies from others. 

I wanted to network and get around other entrepreneurs and incredible minds. Here's a few lessons I learned:

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It's not all just "business"

Some may think that if you are in a business mastermind, all you talk about is business.

And while we do discuss ideas...

A big main focus is your character and who you are as an individual.

It's not hard to make money...

It's harder to be a good person and to be successful without being shady. 

It's also about becoming friends and resonating together on being business owners. 

I have been in 3 different Masterminds in the past... and I try to be in at least 2 at a time. 

I have my own Mastermind group for trading, called Power Trades ELITE (click here) 

But I try to practice what I preach. 

I execute what I expect my students to execute on. 

Which means that I put in what I expect my students to... I join Masterminds and work hard at each one because I ask my students to join mine and work hard.

The connections and friendships you make are invaluable

One of the biggest benefits of being in a mastermind is the friendships you make. 

You may have supportive friends and family, but no one can relate to your goals more than someone who is currently going through them and trying to succeed at them as well. 

When you get like-minded individuals in the room, its incredible what happens. You get validated and see others going through similar problems as you and come out the other side successful. 

You then can create genuine connections and friendships. 

You may not have connected with these people on a normal day to day level - but when you are in this environment you are able to truly connect.

I am so grateful I am able to be around these types of people.

Why am I sharing this with you?

I want you to know that you deserve to continue learning and you deserve to be around people who elevate you on multiple levels. 

Spending money on a mastermind can be so worth it.

What kind of person makes an investment in yourself and your business?

Someone who can be encouraged by others, who wants to gain perspective and grow.

And this is an incredible investment because what you gain from it shows up not only in your business but also in you as a person. 

I want you to feel that you are worthy:

You are worthy of growth and development and worthy to be around others who want to learn and grow. 

If you want to continue growing...