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Episode Summary:

Do you ever feel like you are constantly trying to learn how to control your finances? Like everything you try just seems out of reach? In this episode, we continue our Women Empowering Women series of the 5 Year Millionaire Podcast. I am joined with Kim, a member inside Power Trades University, who shares her story about how she got involved in the stock market. Kim's personal stock trading journey not only shows resilience, but is all about being open to grow and taking control of her financial future. Tune in to hear more about how you too can leverage your unique strengths and experiences in the world of investing in the stock market.

Building Resilience and Confidence to Control Your Finances

Trading is not without its challenges. Bad days and setbacks are part of the journey. However, resilience and the right mindset are what keep us moving forward. I shared the story of Magic Johnson’s confidence and how his mindset helped him overcome various obstacles. Similarly, Kim talked about how she turns on her confidence when facing challenges in her business. We may not be able to control the hurdles that are thrown at us, but we can control our attitude and the approach we choose to take.

The Small Wins Add Up...

Learning to control your finances if not as easy as it seems, and not everyday is going to be a "green" day where we take profit. But when we learn how to be patient and disciplined with ourselves, the small wins start to add up. Kim's journey shows that even the small wins matter, no matter how "advanced" of a trading you become.

But The Nonfinancial Wins Matter Too

Throughout Kim's journey inside Power Trades University, one thing has stayed consistent: her openness and desire to continue to grow in all aspects of her trading. Trading is not just a financial aspect. It includes much of your mental attention as well. Whether it is meditation, journaling, or the occasional retreat, Kim is a great reminder that a clear and stable mindset help leads to clear and stable trading. Taking control of your finances starts with taking control of your emotions. 

Kim's Message to Women and How to Control Your Finances:

Kim's final message to women was all about taking control of your financesShe talked about how the skills many women naturally have, like an eye for planning and intuition, are perfect for trading and investing. Having that control over your finances is invaluable, and the stock market gives women the ability to do just that. Let’s continue to inspire and empower each other. Listen to the full episode and share your thoughts. 

Video Version:

Time Stamps:

[00:00:00] Podcast episode featuring Kim's journey into trading.

[00:04:41] Did dad’s stock market influence shape you?

[00:08:23] Attended event in Detroit; Magic Johnson spoke.

[00:12:07] Teach confidence, handle bad days, stock market.

[00:14:42] Personal development through meditation, reading, and perseverance.

[00:16:01] Perseverance in stock market despite setbacks.

[00:20:29] Long-term approach, learning to read charts, selling puts.

[00:25:17] Understanding and timing are crucial for learning.

[00:27:55] Encouraging women to enter and succeed in industry.

[00:32:49] Empowering women in industry through interviews.

[00:33:41] Gratitude for sharing inspiring stock market journey.