I want to tell you the story of when the stock market...
"Ate my lunch"

In life, we often take on a certain amount of risk.

It's no different when trading... yet many new traders shy away from progressing when they are confronted with losing any amount of money. 

Here's my story of when I lost $300,000 trading, and why I didn't let that stop me from continuing to trade. 

I'm so glad I didn't stop just because of that loss. Otherwise, I wouldn't be where I am today. 

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As they say, it's not about how many times you fall down... What's important is how many times you get back up. When you persevere and keep working towards your goals, anything is possible. Remember that there will be set backs along your journey. That is inevitable. The set backs do not define you. What matters is that you keep showing up for yourself. I hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire you in some way.