Recently, we chatted with one of our Power Trades University Members...

...And what she had to say was pretty incredible. 

If you or someone you know is getting started in the stock market with a smaller account and are wondering if it actually works, then this is for you. 

See how Tanesha was about to turn a few hundred dollars into a few thousand by listening below. 

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Something we hear all of the time is...

"I don't have enough money to start trading"

Well, with the right strategies and knowledge... actually you just might. 

Tanesha is a member with us inside of Power Trades University and in one trade... with just under $500... she made $5K. 

SO my question is:

Do you have $500?

Tanesha's Story 

One of the reasons we like talking to some of our members and have them on our podcast is because we love showing that real people are making real money.

Tanesha wanted to live beyond the regular 9-5 job. 

She cashed out one of her 401K accounts and split it up with different investments. 

She had a family friend who knew how to invest/trade, and she knew when she wanted to start investing she needed to use money she didn't need (meaning her bills were already taken care of).

He gave her my name... and she started with us inside of Power Trades University

She started learning the new "stock market" language and how to read charts. 

Tanesha knew she needed to know how to invest before she started putting money to work. 

After she started learning basic stock charting, she started practice trading

In her practice trading, she was able to move up in her account but then something happened...

The stock market started to do what it normally does...

It started to go down, and she didn't yet have the strategies to be able to know how to manage that.

She took our Options Explained course and then was able to learn ways that you can actually make money from falling stocks. 

She kept learning all through the end of 2021 and knew that she would start seriously trading come January, 2022. 

Tanesha seriously put the work and learning in: attending our live Group Coaching sessions and checking out all the trades mentioned inside of the discussion forums with our community. 

I love her transparency when she said...

It hits you when you use real money verses practice trading.

Your emotions come to the forefront, which is why it's so key to have the knowledge of which strategies to utilize. 

Community is powerful

One thing that really stood out to me is that when Tanesha started to trade, she had core people around her who encouraged her and told her to get education about investing. 

Having the right influences can be so impactful in your success.

And then when she became apart of our community inside of Power Trades University, the doors opened to more like-minded traders. 

That's something I really want to stand out in your mind:

You need the right people and the right community to encourage you to succeed. 

She mentions that it is powerful to have a community of people who are learning the same strategies as you and who are constantly on the lookout for new trading opportunities. 

Some of the trades she made were mentioned by other members inside of Power Trades University, and she wouldn't likely have found them if she wasn't active inside the discussion forums. 

"In the two few days, I made about $1,000 on 3 trades" she says.

"When I first started, I just wanted an extra $500 a month... but at this rate, now I want a down payment for a house!"

She said she is learning exponentially and says she cut the curve by trying and learning...

Now she can see what's possible. 

Making money from the downside

Tanesha made money on a trade in Facebook (FB) but here's the kicker...

She made money from the stock falling using put options. 

(Tanesha's trade she posted about - she made $5K from about $500) ^

She explains her thesis on this strategy - the market at this time was going down, and Facebook was releasing earnings. 

She believed the stock was going to fall so she heavily got put options on the stock, however she still bought a little bit of protection in the form of a call option.

This is something we teach inside of Power Trades University - how to have insurance on every trade you make

That way if it does something you do not want it to do or something unexpected, you have a cushion to protect from major losses. 

"I am learning the importance of all things, including the importance of the strategies"

"When I go to the forum and see that UPS is at the top of the channel now I'm like, OK I've made money... I need to go back and put alerts in. I need to go back and do those little things to be better for the future"

This really hit home with me because we see that when you put the work in, learn the strategies, all of the pieces of the stock market puzzle start coming together. 

Tanesha is someone who understands to put the work in and connect the dots, and she is definitely being rewarded for it. 

What's Possible

Tanesha's story proves when you put the work in to learn the strategies, you start to see results...

And something even more powerful happens: You start to see what's possible.

And the same can happen for you. 

If you start to learn and see the results of your efforts, yes there will be set backs but you also will start to check off the goals on your list.

And then you start to dream bigger:

How much do I need for that down payment on a house?

For that car?

To put a college fund for my kids?

The list goes on.

I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to work with people like Tanesha. This is truly what it's all about. 

If you want to see what's possible for you, consider joining us inside of Power Trades University - click here to check it out