What Would You Do If You Lost It All?

In this episode, I want to talk about the mindset you need to have if you lose it all, and some things you can do if you need to work on getting it back.

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The Mindset

There is a lot of fascination around what I would do if I lost it all.

Once you have it, you can get it back. 

So the question shouldn't be, "can I make this back?" it should be "how do I do it again?" 

You already made the money once, you can do it again.

The Strategy

Making money is about following a formula, a simple plan. 

If I was in a poor mindset and had poor resources... I would figure out how much money I needed and find a way to live below my means. Find a job that I can survive on, and even get a side hustle if I needed. 

Consider getting a real estate license to supplement my income so I can get back in the game. 

If I was in a rich mindset and rich in resources... I would look at any skills I have and could offer to others. I could start a new business, or reach out to any of my friends to borrow money.

Focus on getting rich in knowledge, experience, and resources if this situation could ever happen to you. 

What Would You Do?

Stop worrying about losing it all and go out there get it all.

Join us at Power Trades University to share your thoughts and possibly even learn the skills needed to bounce back if you ever lose it all.