My goal has always been to be "free"

Meaning no matter what type of work I do, not to be stuck in front of the computer all day. 

And that includes the way I trade in the stock market. 

I used to be stuck inside of a store and doing something that I really didn't want to do. I wanted to provide for my family but I also wanted to live out my passion. 

So how can you do that and stop working paycheck to paycheck?

It really is about passive income

How can you make trading in the stock market supplement your income so you can pursue your passion?

It IS possible and I want everyone to know that it is available. 

For example, let's say you are a school teacher and that fulfills your purpose in life. 

Well when you have money on the side working for you in the stock market, you can pursue that passion and know that you will also be okay (or more than just "okay") financially.

I never believed it was possible for ME back in the day. 

I came from a single-parent household in the hood in Detroit. 

When I say it's possible, I mean it's possible coming from nothing financially. 

Just because you don't know a clear path to get out, there ARE so many ways out...

And one of those ways could be the stock market. 

The first step is to get the right education. 

Because once you start to master it - think about it:

You could have your money work for you. 

It's working for too many other people - WHY NOT YOU?

Why do you need to be stuck working paycheck to paycheck?

Most people still go to work and do something they don't like every day. You don't need to "like" the stock market to make money. 

Learn HOW you can make the stock market work for YOU in our custom educational platform - Power Trades University. Click here to check it out