Something I often get asked as a Stock Market Coach is: 
"Jason, how do I quit my job??"

If you or a friend have ever considered leaving your day job and using a passive income to replace it - this episode is for you. 

Investing in the stock market and trading helped me quit my job. 

This is my story, and hopefully it will inspire you or someone you know to give an outline of how you could potentially do the same. 

Where I Came From

Back in the day, in my early twenties, I was trading a lot. 

So much so that I didn't have a job and was making about $100K/year in the stock market. 

BUT I hadn't honed in my strategy yet, and I actually lost my whole account. 

I had to move back home with my mom and got a job at Verizon. 

Why did I move back home instead of just getting a job?

This was my thought:

I took what I made on the hourly wage and used that to pay my bills, and then I used whatever I earned on commission and invested that in the stock market. 

I didn't hate my job, but I hated the situation I was in

This really is where your mind set comes into play. 

I hated that I had a boss, had to work weekends, etc...

It wasn't Verizons fault, it was my situation that I was in. I signed a contract to work, they owned up to their end. 

It was more so that I looked at it that I could use them to the the next level situation. 

I become a BETTER worker - because I wanted MORE money to invest in the stock market so I could get out of my situation. 

I went BACK to school

Verizon had a program to pay for my schooling, so I took advantage of that to get my Finance Degree. 

Your employer is NOT the enemy. 

That's just the avenue to get where I wanted to go. It's just the fault of working in that "employee" quadrant. 

I worked harder because I knew it was my ticket out of there. 

I got my degree to get a better job to get a bit more money. 

Eventually I became a regional manager in another company and kept working my way up. 

Here's a KEY

Even though I eventually left Verizon and kept working my way up the cooperate ladder, I NEVER increased my living expenses. 

I went from $50K/year to $100K/year I kept my lifestyle at $50K and I took the difference and put it into the stock market. 

And while I am at it, I learned how to run a business. 

So then I knew when I left I would also be able to create my own business when I left. 

I have a million-dollar business because of that training. 

So I never complain about work - their purpose was to give me a job, and they gave me my job. 

Here is what I want for you - to focus on having a positive attitude towards your job because you now have an avenue to get you where to go. 

Re-think how you think about your job. 

Redirect your hate into studying into studying how to trade and to getting out of the situation because typically it isn't the jobs fault, its the situation and guess what?


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