Here's what we do every week...

We analyze the overall market under consideration of current world events and see what's happening, and then we get more specific to find potential trades. 

Inside of Power Trades University, we find and analyze charts like the example below. 

If you're wondering how to detect potential profitable stocks and how to read and analyze stock charts, check out the video below. 

And if you want to get in on this action every single week, join us inside of Power Trades University.

Step 1: Analyze the sector

In this example, we noticed the Oil & Gas sector (XOP) has been in an uptrend. 

This indicates there may be certain stocks within the sector that are in an uptrend too and could be a possible stock to trade. 

Step 2: Analyze the specific stock chart

After you have found a good sector, you can start to go through each stock and find a potential chart to trade.

In this example, on 2/28/2022 we noticed that OXY (Occidental Petroleum Corp.) had a nice up-trending chart and also was seeming to break out. 

It also was in a bollinger band and looked like it could be on the cusp of breaking out.

We then looked at the options and found a potential one, with plenty of time to let it do what we want it to do. 

If you want weekly analysis on stocks just like this, join us inside of Power Trades University.