Why Aren't You Successful In The Market?

Some of you are one trade away from quitting... and some of you are one trade away from setting up your future financial success. 

Most people won't become successful when trading, and that's because of a few reasons. 

How can you avoid making those mistakes? Let's get into it. 

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Reason #1: You Won't Invest The Time

Investing isn't easy, if it was... everyone would be doing it. 

Think of any new skill or goal you want to accomplish - you have to plan. You have to practice. 

Famous athletes just don't "show up" for games, they put in the work to be great. 

Successful trading takes time and patience. 

Reason #2: You Have Too Many Options

When we are faced with too many options, it can be overwhelming. 

When we are not sure which is the right option, we may just not even get involved at all. 

The key is to find reliable, predictable companies to invest in. We want to choose a handful of companies, maybe three or four, and really get to know them.

Jumping from company to company means you have to start over. Redo your research and analysis. Chart the new stocks support and resistance lines.

Or you can learn a company in and out and know when the time is right. 

Reason #3: You're Not Staying Consistent

You need to focus on the trade and strategy you consistently make money on. If covered calls or put options are your trades of choice, stay with it. 

If you are always successful with Google, stay with them.

Pick two strategies, 2-3 stocks max and trade those, keep consistent with your moves.

What Are You Doing To Prevent Failure?

What is your plan to be successful in the market? 

Are you searching to find how to possibly make those predictable trades on consistent companies? 

Join us here, at Power Trades University to start learning more.