What's Really Important In Life?

I want to talk about something that's a bit different than our normal discussions.

I want to talk about death.

My wife's grandmother, Margaret, passed away at 96 years old. She had an amazing full life, with a lot of her own children and grandchildren.

You may be thinking, "Jason, what does this have to do with the stock market?"

As I spent her final days with her, I did some reflecting about life and our mindset toward finances and legacies.

So let's get into it.

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What Time Do You Have Left?

When we look at our life, we think we have all this time left. 

Of course, depending on how you look at it, you can think you have a lot left, or not a lot left. 

Regardless of how you look at it, we have finite time on Earth.

As we spent her final days with her, we laughed, listened to her stories, and that's what made me realize... after we pass, it's all we are left with.

Life is about the memories you create - those are the things we get to relive over and over again. We can remember our vacations, our most important memories, it's the life experiences that we carry on after we are gone.

During her last moments, Margaret wasn't thinking about her investment accounts. She wasn't thinking about the stock market. Not about her size of her house or the car she had. 

None of that mattered except the stories and experiences she was sharing and the legacy she's leaving behind. 

What Are You Going To Do With Your Remaining Time?

Applying these things to my own life, I thought about how short life is. 

We won't be here forever. It's tough to say, but depending on how old you are... you may be halfway through your time here.

While I'm not trying to be all "doom and gloom" - we have the opportunity to ask ourselves important questions about the rest of our time. Do I want to stay in a job I don't like? Do I want to stay in a relationship I'm not happy in for the rest of my life?

Am I going to spend the next remaining 50% of my time wishing I got into the stock market? Am I going to spend it wishing I would have bought that course?

It's not necessarily about buying the course or getting in the market. It's about are you going to spend the rest of your life wishing you did something different to improve your current situation limited by your finances?

If you can still go outside and breathe the fresh air... there is still time left to make money (or make it back). 

We want to focus on making money to have experiences. On your death bed, don't you want to tell your children or grandchildren they have enough money to pay for college? 

Focus on the time you have left and what you can do to turn around your financial situation.

You come in this world with nothing and you go out with nothing. But what can you leave behind?

You can leave money behind to be divided up and spent by your loved ones. But consider leaving behind a blueprint for success. A way for them to learn about how to make money. 

How Can You Prevent Your Name From Dying Out?

During one of the events I attended, there was a guest speaker there named Marina.

During her talk, Marina mentioned something profound after her grandfather passed. 

She said:

"We die twice. First time is when your physical body dies. The second time is when your name dies. No one mentions you... no stories to tell or experiences to share." 

Think about how you can prevent your name from dying out. Your nieces and nephews, grandchildren... they can ask, "how did it change for our family?" 

Your name can be the one that changes the family tree forever. 

What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind?

Think about the experiences and stories you are going to leave behind. 

What are people going to be able to tell about you once you are gone? 

What do you plan to leave for the future generations to impact their financial future?

Join us at Power Trades University to start the legacy you'll leave behind.