The Life of a Black Millionaire

On this podcast episode, I want to keep it real with you.

My life has not been perfect. I grew up in a not great area of Detroit. As an adult, I made money. I lost money (lost it all, actually). 

But I'm at a point in my life where I'm proud to be where I'm at. I never thought I would ever get here... and now, here I am. 

It's not all roses every day though - so let's talk about six problems black millionaires face in their community. 

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Join the Waitlist for the 5 Year Millionaire Movement

Problem #1: We Are Scared to Share 

We get to the point where we make some money, hit that millionaire status... afford some nice things. 

We are afraid to talk about it because someone in our life that may not be doing well financially and might ask us for money .

It then feels like your success, your status, is now a burden is on you. You're then expected to loan them money, or help out.

It's hard work to get to that million. 

Once I hit that level though... I thought I did it, I hit the holy grail. 

But in reality, I'm only one large life event away from not having it all.

Problem #2: We Share and it Comes Off As Bragging

I'm excited to be a millionaire. A black millionaire. 

The trials and tribulations we have faced throughout history. We have overcome so much as black individuals... slavery, racism, segregation, poverty... the list goes on. 

You better believe we're excited for hitting that million dollar mark. I want to talk about it. I want to share about my success.  And then it feels like other people are putting their limitations on me for sharing.

I am so excited I've made it to this point. I am finally at a level in life I didn't think was possible for myself. But now that I'm here, I want to help others get here too.

Problem #3: Dual Racism

Sometimes when I show up in a t-shirt and I say I'm a stock trader, people don't believe it. They think I make my money doing other things. 

They doubt my ability in the market because I'm not a white guy in a suit coat.

Or, on the other hand, because I am a black millionaire, people think I play a sport to earn money, rather than the market.

I try to not take this one personal and turn it into something positive - I get to live a life that was previously only available to rappers or athletes.

Problem #4: If You're So Successful... Why Do You Teach?

I've shared my successes over the last decade. I've shown videos of my real trading account making $100,000 in a trade.

When you have success and find something you're passionate about, people say, "find a way to do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."

So that's why I teach.

Who else would you want to teach you about the market? Someone that's unsuccessful? 

My success is why I'm teaching and why I want to help other people achieve success too.

Problem #5: You're "Forgetting Where You Came From"

On the other hand, after finding success in the market... if I didn't teach or help others then I would have been told I was forgetting where I came from.

Or I'm "too good" to reach back and help someone else. Or if I do try to help, everyone's expecting it for free.

I can't win. 

I remember exactly where I came from, and I ain't trying to go back. 

Problem #6: The Burden of Proof

When I say I made some amount of money in the market, it's always, "show me the receipts, show me your whole trading account, show us your tax returns."

Where does it end?

Because I'm young and a black millionaire, I always have to prove myself. Any other successful trader wouldn't need to prove this much. But I do. 

It's never enough.

Join the 5 Year Millionaire Movement

One of my favorite books is "We Should All Be Millionaires" by Rachel Rodriguez.

She's right - we should. Can you imagine you and all your friends as millionaires? The parties you'd have, the vacations you'd take, the food?

But how?

For me, the answer is clear. The stock market. 

As an investor, you don't have to start your own business. You don't have to manage employees. You can invest in companies that already have these established.

Becoming a millionaire is a formula. And I want to create a movement for you to join and hopefully become a millionaire in almost the same time it takes to earn a college degree. 

Learn more about the new 5 Year Millionaire program and join the waitlist by clicking here

It's Your Time to Change Your Financial Future

Our ancestors had to walk behind the carriage. Now we can buy some of the best horses. We can buy the best cars. We own houses and property.

I am living my ancestor's wildest dreams.

If you think I’m not going to scream from the mountain top that I figured it out, I cracked the code... 

I am not going to stop until we bring more millionaires into the community.

So why not you, too?