Mid-Year Financial Goal Check-in Time

It's now halfway through the year and it's time to for a mid-year financial goal check-in. Let's see if we are on track with our goals we set at the beginning of the year.

Regardless of the goals you set, conducting a mid-year financial goal check-in allows you to make necessary adjustments so you can hit your goals by the end of the year. 

Keep on reading further for some ways to check-in with your finances and set yourself up for the rest of the year for success.

1. Review Your Financial Goals

Start by revisiting your financial goals you established at the beginning of the year. 

Once you review them, ask yourself:
-Are they still relevant? 
-Do they align with your current situation and aspirations? 

Take some time to reflect on the progress you've made and identify any goals that may require modification or updating. 

Maybe you've encountered some unexpected financial hurdles or experienced positive changes that allow you to set a bigger goal

Identifying what changes you need to make now can help you be on track for your goals for the rest of the year.

2. Assess Your Budget

Budgeting is the backbone of financial planning. 

Evaluate your budget by comparing your actual expenses against your planned ones. Are you sticking to your budget or overspending in certain areas? 

Check your discretionary spending habits and identify areas where you can cut back to put more funds towards your goals. 

Consider using personal finance apps or spreadsheets to streamline and automate your budgeting process for better efficiency.

Knowing how much money you bring in each month and where it goes is essential to sticking to your financial goals. 

If you realize you are spending more than you should, it's better to catch it mid-year and adjust your spending.

3. Track Your Debt

Debt can be a significant obstacle on your path to financial freedom. 

Take this opportunity to assess your debt repayment progress. Review outstanding balances, interest rates, and payment schedules for each debt.

Explore strategies to accelerate your debt payoff journey. Is there an extra $10, $20, or $50 you can put toward paying off a debt sooner?

If you've made substantial progress, celebrate your accomplishments! Paying off debt is not an easy feat, but don't forget your goals by celebrating too hard. 

Focus your efforts to eliminate debt and free up more resources for saving and investing.

4. Evaluate Savings and Investments

Check your progress towards building an emergency fund or achieving specific savings targets. 

Are you consistently contributing to your savings account? Consider automating your savings by setting up direct deposits or creating automatic transfers to ensure regular contributions. 

Additionally, review your investment portfolio performance. Are you able to save some money so you can add funds to your investment account, or get started investing?

If you're looking to get started with investing in the market but not sure where to go, check out Power Trades University and our courses and memberships to learn how the market works. 

Assess if you're meeting your investment objectives and if any adjustments need to be made based on changing market conditions or your risk tolerance.

5. Seek Professional Guidance

If you find yourself struggling or in need of expert advice, don't hesitate to consult a financial planner or advisor. 

Sometimes we can plan, budget, analyze... and realize it's not working. That's okay. Sometimes having a professional check our finances can get us on the track we want to be on. 

They can provide personalized insights, help you fine-tune your strategies, and offer guidance on achieving your specific financial goals. 

A professional's perspective can often shed light on blind spots and provide you with a roadmap to success.

Finishing the Year on Track

A mid-year financial goal check-in serves as a valuable checkpoint on your financial journey. 

By assessing your progress, adjusting your strategies, and seeking continuous improvement, you can ensure that you're on track for financial success. 

Remember, it's never too late to recalibrate your goals or modify your approach. It's better to find out mid-year you're not on track than find out at the end of the year. 

Stay committed, make informed decisions, and make the necessary changes to secure your financial goals.